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James Engelhardt

I am a writer and teacher who is also devoted to tabletop games, hiking, and cooking. Not always in that order, especially when I’m hungry.


I have ancestral roots in Appalachia, and I have left from and returned to the region throughout my life. Currently I live in the South Carolina Upstate and am a lecturer in the English Department at Furman University. 


My current book project responds to board games from the nineteenth century to the present. I use these games to explore a variety of issues and forms—some of which are inspired directly by the art and gameplay. Others are only very loosely associated with the games, but I include the names and other information in the epigraphs to acknowledge their influence and complicate the relationship of the source material to the body of the poem. 


In addition to the poems you can find elsewhere on my site, my work has appeared in the North American Review, Sheila-Na-Gig online, ACM: Another Chicago Magazine,, Painted Bride Quarterly, Fourth River, and many others. I was the co-editor with Marianne Kunkel for The Prairie Schooner Book Prize Tenth Anniversary Reader. His ecopoetry manifesto is “The Language Habitat,” and his book, Bone Willow, is available from Boreal Books, an imprint of Red Hen Press. 

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